Show up by slowing down.
Spend less time on your phone and more time on what really matters to you.
FREE Coaching
Are you having a hard time adjusting to school?
Are you feeling pressured to drink, do drugs or be someone you’re not?
Do you want to figure out who you are and if you’re in the right major?
I had a hard time my first few years of college.
Let me help you have an easier time.
I'm Melissa and I'm a life coach specializing in helping 20-something's get space from their phones to find out what’s truly important to them and achieve it for themselves.
FREE 30-minute coaching sessions the week of September 19-23.
Read the newest from my journal:
We live in a fast-paced world.
We’re always working.
We’re always connected.
We’re always scrolling.
We’re always looking at our phones.
Think about it…
Just by tapping, we can:
Get anything shipped to us in 1-2 days.
Request a car to pick us up in 2 minutes.
Order a meal in 5 minutes.
Answer an email from wherever we are.
Buy any item we want in the world every day.
Swipe and find a new date immediately.

A lot of these things are useful and make our lives easier.
It can also be exhausting.
Your work expects emails to be answered at all hours of the day.
Social media means staying in touch with everyone you’ve ever met from elementary school onwards.
The connections you make on dating apps are making you feel even more disconnected and lonely.
So you go on social media to feel better,
to feel more connected.
But here’s what really happens:
You forget what you’re doing half the time.
You waste hours of your real life everyday by living life online.
You feel you have to appease everyone by answering every notification the moment your phone dings.
You never have a moment to yourself.
You can’t focus.

You may feel like throwing your phone out the window!
It feels like your notifications are dictating the way you live your life.
But you don’t want to get rid of your phone.
It’s a useful tool!
It helps you stay connected and informed.
You want to take a break from it, but you feel anxious at the thought of taking any space away from your phone.
Sometimes you overuse it and forget what real life is like.
That’s why we need to revolutionize our way of life.
An evolution is a slow movement.
I don’t expect you to get this right away. That’s why my guidelines include three things:
Compassion - to understand, forgive yourself, and treat yourself and others kindly,
Sustainability - practicing mindful habits that will be sustainable in your life and for the world,
Empowering - making meaningful and intentional choices for your life and the world around you.
This work will revolutionize your life.
Just like breaking an addiction, changing your habits is hard work, but it will revolutionize your life. If you want clarity of mind, more restful sleep, better quality relationships, and to change the world, it is worth it.
Slow Life Revolution
Integrating the intentional use and consumption of all aspects of your life: work, technology, love, movement, rest, food, sources, fashion. By living all parts of our lives slowly and intentionally we can have a more meaningful existence and leave the world a better place for future generations.
For a more detailed explanation, watch the video below:
Interested in learning more?
Start 2022 right. Stop the doomscrolling and learn how to Control the Scroll.

If you slow down…
Slow down and take some space from your phone,
Slow down and step outside,
Slow down and breathe,
Slow down and take a look at yourself and what you’re missing off your apps.
You could see a life worth living.
An empowered life,
A connected life,
A restful life,
A joyful life,
A Slow Life.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Society is moving so fast that you can lose sight of who you are.
It’s time to find yourself again.
Learn how to stop the scrolling and take back your time, focus and direction in your life.

“I highly recommend this program [Control the Scroll] to anyone looking to reduce their electronic use and become more connected with life.
I now feel like I am more in control of my iPhone than allowing it to control me.
Melissa teaches a broad range of strategies and practices that will help you see results immediately!”
Control the Scroll
You know your phone is taking time away from what you really want to be doing, but you don’t know how to stop.
Through this four-week program, we’ll take a closer look at your personal and professional phone use, evaluate how you actually want to use your phone as a tool, and make actionable steps to get there so you can maintain your long-term goals.
At the end of this program, you will:
Gain more clarity on what you want from your life
Have the time and focus to get work done
Create new habits to make intentional choices on your phone use
Get more restful sleep
Create more meaningful connections with the people around you in real life