Why You’re Stuck in Indecision

There are moments in the summer when I don’t know what to do. I know that makes no sense because there’s always 1,000 things to do in the summer.

But because there are sooo many options, it makes me unable to decide.

So you know what I do then??

I open a social media app to see what’s happening with the people I follow, or what events are happening around town, or what the news is and to find something that will entertain me for a while in my indecision.

Opening social media is the thing I do when I tell myself “I don’t know what to do.”

I look to others on an app to tell me what to do.

Think of the thought “I don’t know what to do”. 

We all have it sometimes. What does it feel like to you?

For me it feels sad, like I don’t have any self-determination to make a decision. As if everything I decide isn’t good enough and someone on social media knows the ONE, right, best answer. Or it feels lonely, like I don’t know what to do because there’s no one asking me to do anything or I have no one to do anything with.

So, the action of opening a social media app is tied to the feeling of sadness. I go on it to feel better, either to have connection with someone, to be entertained to cover up the feeling of sadness/loneliness, or to see something that I should do with my time.

But it’s contradictory.

Because in the same moment of being on social media, I am neglecting people who are already around me AND I am neglecting my own empowerment to make a decision on what to do with my time. And it also wastes my time scrolling looking for the answer as I’m trying to figure out how to fill my time. AND if that isn’t enough, it makes me feel worse when I get off it.

Yet, we all do this to ourselves (if this doesn't resonate with you, tell me, please!)

Social media gives us the illusion of connection with the outside world.

When in reality, it disconnects us from ourselves, our self-determination, our self-trust, and our ability to reach out, connect and love others.

That’s why learning to trust yourself, your decisions on what you want and how to spend your time is so important.

So many people are content to keep spinning their wheels on social media. They keep pretending that it’s a good thing for them and that it keeps them connected. 

But it doesn’t look like that for me. So I’m ready to get off social media and spend my time in more effective ways that align with my life.

Are you with me?

P.S. As a life coach, I go thru the slog with you. I'm not just here preaching to use social media less. (My screen time was up 30% last week, eek!)

I just know how to coach myself to change my results in my life (which isn't just using social media less, it's changing my results and gaining confidence and self-trust that can only be built outside of social media). And because I go through the ups and downs of life, that's why I'm good at coaching.

Learn more about my 1 on 1 coaching program here. Or book a free call with me to learn more about how coaching can change your life. I know: big statement, but who knows where you'll be in 8 weeks if you make this choice now.


The Value of Old Things


Are you living in a Perfectionist Fantasy?