How To Make A Decision?

 "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

- Mahatma Gandhi


I've been having a hard time making a decision. I knew what decision I wanted to make. But I thought I would upset the people I had to tell my decision to, so for the last month, I've been avoiding making it.

So you know what I did? 

I spent a lot of time scrolling on Instagram, avoiding making the decision, and ultimately being miserable.

Because not making a decision you know is right for yourself, puts you out of integrity with yourself. 

Just like this quote by Gandhi, when your thoughts don't align with your actions, you'll be miserable. When you say what you think and when you do the hard things, even if they'll disappoint someone else, that still will bring you happiness. Because in your gut you'll know you did the right thing for yourself.

And who else are you living this life for besides yourself?

I know a lot of people struggle with making a decision. So I made a worksheet on how to make a decision.

You can use this as many times as you need, because if you struggle making one decisions, there are probably 15 others in teh background of your head you are also avoiding. 

Download the worksheet here.

And what I suggest is you get really specific with this. Don't try to make the decision on “what should I do with my life?" Make it specific.

  • Should I take this job or not? 

  • Should I quit this job or not?

  • Should I ask out [name of person]?

  • Should I move to [enter location here] or not? 

The more specific you can get, the better.

So next time you get anxious about making a decision, instead of scrolling social media, fill out the worksheet at the button below.

Are you struggling making a decision? It's not as scary as you think. Let's talk it through.


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