Slow Life Hibernation
The time of year around Winter solstice feels like a great time to slow down. It's a good time to contemplate our ideas for ourselves, what isn't working and what we want to work on in the future. It's a time to retreat away and hibernate and mull over ideas we've had in the busy summer-fall-holiday season.
Winter gives us time to think. I don't think people appreciate winter enough because it's not comfortable to look at yourself and what is happening in your life.
But I think winter is the best time to slow down and think about what we want to do in our future.
… I want to stop banging my head against a wall. (lol)
I love my idea behind Slow Life Revolution. When I started it, I wanted to teach on all things related to how to slow down in a fast-paced world. I wanted to teach on what new technology is doing to us as a society. How slow food helps combat large farms from putting small farms out of business. How to stop buying into fast fashion clothing and opting for slow fashion instead. Slowing our consumption of things in general and how buying things in a fast paced, Amazon Prime-centered world affected us and the planet.
But the idea is so broad that I'm not quite sure what it all entails and I don't think I'm conveying it well. It's hard to chunk down into manageable blog posts and Instagram posts. And also people love the convenience of Amazon! They don't want to learn to stop using Amazon… or if they do, they already have stopped.
Anyway, the idea has more to it than that, but I think it needs more time to ruminate. I need to think it through more and maybe Slow Life needs more slowness than I'm giving it.
Therefore, I'm stepping away from Slow Life Revolution for a while.
I'm not closing it, but you won't see me write as many emails or post as much on Slow Life Revolution Instagram.
It's going into hibernation.
The other thing I've been thinking about my future is moving towards relationship coaching. “Slow Love” was going to be the name of one of my modules in the whole Slow Life Revolution empire (or as my friend Jessi likes to suggest calling it: “Fast Life Revolution” lol). So I've decided to step into that now.
This will entail how to improve your relationships, how to accept and love others for who they are, how to meet people in real life, how to be happy in your current relationship or being single, etc.
If you want to stay up to date with that, sign up or refer your friends to me here.
Plus I believe once I focus on this one specific topic, I'll be one step closer to building my entire SLR world.
For those of you who have been with me since the beginning of Slow Life Revolution and before, THANK YOU… for being around and watching me bang my head against the wall (lol). This has allowed me to process my thoughts, work through all my ideas, learn how to teach, and gain my voice by tripping and falling over and over.
You have watched me be super messy and ridiculous and probably have been confused by what I'm trying to say a hundred times. I feel you. As I read over my work, sometimes I question it myself. What was I trying to say there?
So thanks for sticking around through the years. I will be back on this channel at some point. But for now, I'm going to change my focus towards relationship coaching.
If you get the urge and miss the slow life world, you can always go to the Slow Life Revolution website and read my previous blog posts.
It's the new year and that entails coming up with all kinds of resolutions, but I still suggest slowing it down. Stop trying to do so much. Go hibernate. Do some journaling. Go to bed early. Sleep in. Ruminate on your life. Think about what you like about it and what you may want to change.
We need the space and time to discover who we are and what we want. Winter is the best time to do that. It's okay to move slowly and make changes slowly.
Until next time, take it slow.