Climate Change Anxiety

If you have climate change anxiety, if you're feeling anxious about the future of the world, which is a pretty big daunting thing, I want to give you two things you can do to feel better about it right now.


First, you have to analyze what is the thought you're thinking that's making you feel anxious about climate change. Are you thinking there's nothing I can do that will help climate change so I might as well just sit around and watch Netflix or scroll on social media or doom scroll the news and see worse things that are happening? Is it because you're thinking that you can't do anything about it? Or you think I should be doing something about this but there's just nothing I can do. That's going to make you feel pretty hopeless and anxious. So first analyze that thought.


Second, ask yourself is it really true. Is it true that you can't do anything? And your brain might be like well no I guess that's not true, I guess I could do something about it. It opens up new ideas. Maybe you can have a conversation with someone on the street or in the grocery store about climate change or you can search for a group in your area that's doing something about climate change or that's planting trees in your area or can you pull something out of the garbage that was going to be thrown away and recycle it?


There are these tiny things that you can help with climate change right now that you're not even thinking about because you are wallowing in this hopeless feeling in this anxiety about wanting to do something, but feeling like you can't do anything because the future is too bleak.


So to sum it up, you have to:

  1. Analyze the thoughts that are making you feel anxious or hopeless

  2. Ask yourself is that thought really true?


Questioning yourself will really mess your brain up because you've probably been thinking this thought that you can't do anything for a while (or whatever your thought is) and so you just really have to sit with that and you have to be like hey it's not true that I can't do anything, there are some things that I can do to give back and help with climate change and help make the future better.

So that was just two small things that you could do right now to feel a little more hopeful a little less anxious about climate change in the future. And if you want to learn more, come talk to me because this is a huge issue I see in people and I want to empower you to take more action and actually take steps to alleviate your climate change anxiety and help climate change because it's a huge issue for everyone in the world.


Self-Care & Coaching


The only way to slow, is slow.