Stop scrolling and start living!
Make your life amazing by getting space from social media.
What if, by closing Instagram, you could actually create the life you wanted?
Instead of:
Looking at photos of beautiful places on Instagram, you actually travelled.
Searching hashtags for advice, you trusted yourself to make the right decision.
Looking at other people’s homes, you made your home how you want it to be (or your got on the phone with a realtor)
Seeing photos of people together and feeling badly about it, you created your own community.
You can!
You don’t need to go to social media to find your perfect life you want, you have to get out there and make it IRL.
You can change your own life however that looks for you, whether that’s
stepping into the career you’ve always wanted,
buying the home of your dreams,
having amazing friendships,
creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself,
mending and creating loving relationships with your family,
or just getting more sleep.
And you can get that by getting off social media and start living your life IRL!
It feels like you have to constantly be connected to your phone. You can’t miss out on an event, important call for work, the new celebrity photo, the latest news story, the family group text that needs you to get back to them, or what if your crush DM’s you?
That pull you feel is on purpose. Social media apps were designed to pull your attention towards them and make you feel the need to look at them. All. The. Time.
But you have a choice:
live online social media apps and feel terrible most of the time
live in real life and experience all life has to offer!
This all comes from stepping away from your phone and learning how to trust yourself.
And that’s what you’ll get with me as your coach. We go in depth into why you go on your phone, what you’re looking for, and how to get it for yourself.
Instead of living in anxiety, fear, boredom and even paranoia…
What if you chose how your life looked and created it?
What if you chose how you felt intentionally?
What if we created you a fulfilled life, a life full of travel and beauty and loving relationships and belonging?
After coaching, you’ll look like this:
You will know what to do when hard things come up (no more trigger warnings necessary).
You will know who you are and stand firm in that.
You will be able to choose how you react to people online and in real life.
You will create the life you want.
You will become who you were meant to be.
Stop Scrolling & Start Living today!
“I have tried coaching on this issue for years with different coaches and therapists. None have been successful at all.
You've completely changed my life in 6 sessions.”
-May, Control the Scroll coaching client
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”