Questions about AI

I'm sure you've seen a lot of news about Artificial Intelligence lately and it can be hard to understand what is happening with it. Is it good, is it bad? Is it helping or going to destroy the world?

I'm still not sure, but it does seem like technology is moving very quickly these days without much analysis of what the outcome will be. It seems more and more that the downfall of decisions tech companies make don't outweigh money making opportunities.

That's why we need to make our own decisions on what tech we use and which media we consume.

If you want to learn more about AI, I watched this fascinating talk on the future of AI and what is happening with it.

I would highly recommend following Center for Humane Technology and join their newsletter if you are interested in learning about some of the concerns of technology as it keeps advancing.

These are people who were at the forefront of developing social media apps when they saw the dangers of them for children and the future and decided to do something about it. They explain this information in a way that makes sense for the public and for congress so they can decide what kind of laws and rules may need to happen to protect the public.

It's confusing to navigate these new technologies and knowing which way to turn and what to believe of the things you see online.

All you can do is believe in yourself and trust your gut.

Not sure if you know what your opinion is vs what something on social media is telling you? I can help you get clear on that for yourself. Sign up for a time to talk here (it's free!):


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