How To Read More Class
Thanks for taking this short class on how to read!
Now, I assume you already know how to read. This is a class on how to read more and specifically how to read paper literature.
I hear so many people say they can’t read anymore and they want to. They claim they don’t have the time or the attention span or some other excuse they are making to not read.
We have the time, we just spend it on social media or watching Netflix and before you know it, the day is done.
The video below will help you realize you can commit to reading even 5 minutes or 1 page per day. Download this PDF worksheet or have some paper ready to write on to follow along with the prompts in the video.
See how your life changes when you read every day! Once you start reading everyday, you may notice that you:
Become more in-tune with your mind and body
Sleep better
Learn something new & become more intelligent
Have a better perspective on life
Become more of a critical thinker
Become more creative & inspired
Click the video below to learn how to read more.