Why most people go on Instagram – is this you?
Most people open Instagram for a few reasons:
We don’t want to do work
We want to be entertained or informed
We want to be liked and be told that we are good
We want advice on how we should be
We want to avoid a feeling
Notice the word “want” in all those statements.
“Want” is a choice. You may not be conscious of it, but:
you are choosing to procrastinate,
you are choosing to look outside yourself for entertainment,
you are choosing to be validated instead of being confident with the way you are,
you are choosing to compare yourself and not to trust yourself,
you are choosing to buffer
Btw, buffering is you trying to get away from a feeling you don’t like by doing something else - eating, drinking, smoking, or opening a social media app.
You are choosing to do all of that instead of sitting with yourself, or working, or finding joy in your life now, or having confidence in who you are, or figuring out how to move your life forward yourself.
When you go on Instagram, you are choosing to escape from your life in some way.
When you feel a negative emotion – anxiety, shame, anger, fear – you don’t know what to do with it and you don't like it because you were never taught how to deal with difficult emotions. Your brain’s instinct is to get away from negative emotions… hence the reason you buffer in some way.
What if I told you that you can live differently?
You can focus and get your work done.
You can trust yourself and be cool with the way you are without needing likes, asking for advice, or comparing yourself with others.
You can find joy and laughter in the simple things in your life.
You can learn how to process your emotions and stop buffering.
You can be yourself and have the life you want. And it’s super simple:
You must be willing to feel every feeling you have.
That’s it!
Everyone has the human experience, with positive and negative emotions and everything in between.
But when you are willing to feel negative emotions (anxiety, fear, shame, etc) and let them pass, you can start to understand why you’re having the feeling and you can change it and move forward with your life.
Whether that’s going back to school, having more loving friendships, being closer to your partner and kids, making more money in your job, focusing on your side business, running for office or just reading more books.
You have the power to make your life amazing.
You just have to feel it all – positive and negative.
If you’re wondering how to feel your emotions on purpose and how to move forward with and improve your life, I can help you.
I'm currently booking 10 new clients for my 1 on 1 Social Media Freedom Coaching program.
If you book during the first two weeks of July, you'll get 30% off. That's $420 instead of $600 for 8 weeks of 1:1 coaching!
If you're curious at all, jump on a no-obligation consultation call with me where we just talk about where you want to go in life and what's holding you back from that (social media related or not).