Corporate Coaching
Did you know most employees waste 2 hours of their work day on social media?
50% of employees admit that social media distracts from the work they need to do.
And 34% of employees use social media to take a mental break from work.
Social media allows people to procrastinate, get more aggravated and unfocused than ever.
That creates a huge waste of time, less productivity, and less profits for your business.
The reason why most people spend a lot of time on their phone is to procrastinate or avoid doing something because they don’t want to feel a certain way. It could be avoiding an email they don’t want to address out of anxiety for not being further along on their project or not being able to sit down and spend focused time on writing up a report.
The way you can help your employees have more focus, be more productive and more efficient is to help them get to those root problems that are causing them to procrastinate in the first place and spending more time on their phones.
This isn’t about making your employees work more, it’s about helping them work more efficiently.
And when that happens, you will have a happier work base. And happy employees means less turnover and more efficiency in your business.
Hey there, I’m Melissa.
I started doing this work after I realized how burnt out I was working in various jobs. I was wasting a lot of time on my phone during the day, so then I had to work at night to get everything done, getting worse sleep and producing lower quality work. Tasks that could have taken me an hour of focused time, were taking me weeks to finish.
For a lot of the people I coach, one of their main issues is being more productive, focused and less distracted by their phone.
One of my clients even said she tried a lot of different ways to get off her phone and our 6 hours of coaching was the one thing that did it for her. That is what makes this work so rewarding to me. I love to do this work and I've seen it work. I love to help more people get off their phones, work smarter and more efficiently and inso, it helps them enjoy their lives more.
For corporate coaching, we set up a day for your employees to sign up and I coach them in 20-minute sessions. That's right, 20 minutes is all it takes. I’ve seen a lot of transformation happen in that short of time from my experience coaching others and being coached, personally.
If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to set up a consultation call with me.